Posted By Josh Mott
Protect all your favorite memories with this genius invention!
If you haven’t backed up the photos and videos on your smartphone somewhere besides your device then you’re at risk of losing them all.
The fact is over 30% of all smartphone users will lose every photo and video they’ve ever taken because they haven’t stored them safely. Everything from wedding photos to your kid’s graduations – GONE!
But what about keeping my files in ‘the cloud’ – that’s safe and easy, right? Well, not really…
But now, there’s an easy way to protect all the memories on your smartphone – and it’s not ‘the cloud’
Millions of smartphone users are quick to trust their photos are safe and secure when ‘stored in the cloud’, but the truth is you never really know where your photos are and who has access to them. What’s more, most cloud-based storage plans can cost upwards of $120 per year, and really, does anyone need another monthly bill?
While nobody wants to spend countless hours sorting through duplicates and organizing photos and videos, we all want to keep our memories safe and secure.
The problem? Professional photo organizers can be downright expensive to buy and difficult to use and the cloud isn’t as safe as we’ve been led to believe.
That’s why The Photostick Mobile was created…
Photostick is the easiest way to instantly back up your smartphone so NOBODY has access to them except you.
If you’re like me you have thousands of photos on your phone with countless numbers of duplicates. Imagine being able to sort thousands of photos in minutes, remove duplicates, and store them safely with one click. All that, and no monthly subscription. Sound to good to be true? Think again!
The Photo Stick Mobile instantly backs up your priceless memories without the frustration of searching and organizing them yourself.
Is it easy to use? Yes! Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Plug ThePhotoStick into your phone (works for both Android, iPhone, and iPad).
Step 2: Open the FREE App.
Step 3: Click Backup Now.
That’s it! One click and you’re finished. Quick and easy with no hassle.
When you click “Backup Now” The PhotoStick mobile goes to work scanning your phone. It searches for all your photos and videos, and automatically downloads and backs them up. Quick, easy, and hassle-free. No technical knowledge required!
Another great feature is you can quickly transfer the files on your PhotoStick Mobile to any computer.
It’s incredible. What used to take hours of manual searching, sorting, and backing up can now be done in minutes with just a click. How awesome is that!
“But I Have More Than One Phone”
The great thing about the PhotoStick is the sheer amount of storage available. So much that it can back up multiple phones. Simply plug it in each phone and click backup now and BOOM! All your photos from every device are safe and secure.
PhotoStick Sounds Great! Where Can I Get One?
It’s easy, just select your device below to visit the company’s official website.