Category: Wearables

Epson’s new range of GPS ProSense smart watches will give the competition something to worry about
Epson is not normally associated with creating top of the line running watches and sportswear. The company entering the wearables market, drawing from ...

Samsung to officially launch IconX earbuds and Gear Sport smartwatch on October 27
Samsung has officially provided release dates for its recently teased Samsung Gear Sport smartwatch and its newest addition to the Icon X line of earb ...

Samsung releases new Gear Sport ad, features GPS, NFC and built-in music app
The Samsung Galaxy Gear Sport smart watch has long been announced a while back aimed at active users. The Gear range of smart watches have been a popu ...

Samsung outs Gear Fit2 Pro, Gear Sport and IconX smart fitness devices
After having released its Galaxy Note 8 to the masses, Samsung is now pushing its smart fitness wearables to the market as well. They were first annou ...

Apple’s new LTE-enabled cellular smartwatch can do away with the iPhone
Apple has released a new smart watch along with the new Apple iPhones and a new Apple TV. Called the Apple Watch Series 3, there is very little change ...

FitBit’s latest is a smartwatch named Ionic
FitBit is no longer satisfied with making the best fitness trackers around. The company is now looking to enter the smartwatch market and challenge th ...

Dell’s new $350 mixed reality headset will pave the way for AR and VR on Windows 10
Windows Mixed Reality applications is about to get a major addition in terms of support. Microsoft did hint at some upcoming tech that would widen the ...

The Gear Fit 2 Pro goes official before the Note 8 launch
Samsung is inches closer towards launching the new Galaxy Note 8 and just before the big day, the company has quietly launched the successor to its Ge ...

FrontRow is a smart wearable camera that you can livestream your day
From the most unsuspecting manufacturer comes the most unique device. Ubiquiti, known for making mesh Wi-Fi products, has released a wearable live-str ...

Samsung’s Fit2 Pro to feature more detailed bio-metrics scanning, may launch at the Note 8 launch event
Samsung is continuing its innovation for its wearable devices, and after having released active-wear such as the Fit2, they are rumored to be working ...