Category: Company

Tencent, Amazon invest $300 million in Essential, boost company’s evaluation to $1 billion
Up until recently, Essential Products Inc., had very little going for itself – a company that had lost most of its key executives, a delayed launch as ...

What to expect at Apple’s WWDC event on June 5
People are excited about Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference. The company has recently shared its invitation to publishers and the event will be ...

Acer’s new Predator Triton 700 gaming laptop: 5 reasons you need to own it
The Acer 21X was a pretty over-the-top laptop that offered an over-kill of amenities for a price that was not exactly reasonable. And although it was ...

Google’s stocks are skyrocketing thanks to Pixel
Google's parent company Alphabet Inc has witnessed a surge in stock price, thanks to the recently launched Pixel. Bloomberg reported that on Tuesday A ...

Is lack of innovation cause for Xiaomi’s plummeting sales?
A fresh analysis of the business of Xiaomi reflects the company’s worth to have dropped to $4 billion from a whopping $45 billion in December 2014. Co ...

End of; Univision to take over Lifehacker, Gizmodo
Gawker is officially shutting down next week after 14 years of operation.
Operating a network of blogs that include Deadspin, Lifehacker, Gizmodo, ...

ICANN to be in full control of DNS as US prepares transfer
The domain naming system (DNS), one of the most important mechanism in identifying computers attached to the Internet, shall no longer be controlled b ...

Intel appoints new MD to lead India operations
Anand Ramamoorthy is the newly minted managing director at Intel Security for India and SAARC.
Ramamoorthy was working as the Director of Sales and ...
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