VSCO app brings RAW image editing support to iPhones SE and up

RAW has always been the method of choice for avid photographers when it comes to image editing.  Serious photographers who use VSCO will now have the opportunity to edit RAW photos directly in the app thanks to its new update.

Providing for greater control and versatility in shots such as tweaking white balance, brightness and contrast for richer image output, VSCO’s update keeps with phone manufacturers’ latest new functionality of enabling photos to be saved in RAW format. The app will allow users to directly shoot their photos, import them and also edit them in the app as RAW files.

As of now, the app’s support for RAW editing will only be supported on Apple devices, from the iPhone SE and up. This is because Apple has already made significant changes in the software to enable for support of RAW image files. It’s not a surprise why one of the most popular camera and editing apps would take advantage of this. We’ve not seen many other apps that have gone ahead and done the same.

VSCO has always prided itself on showcasing the best of portable photography from around the world and with RAW compatibility, it’s opening up the field even more, enabling users to have a lot more to work with than just the bare essentials. With the iPhone’s continuously improving camera and the evolution of mobile photography, VSCO could make it a game changer.

But that’s just VSCO taking advantage of the ecosystem of the iPhone. Not all Android phones have the same functionality though, so for those with Android, they’ll have to settle for Lightroom and Snapseed which are in no way bad photo editors at all. Android however, should make it necessary to add this function in later iterations of their software, so that OEMs can also apply them to their handsets.

Along with the RAW update, VSCO have also introduced a new VSCO X membership only update called Film X which provides users with presets to configure depth, warmth and character of their photos. Clubbed with RAW image editing, the new filters are sure to bring about some great quality snaps.
