Here are the top 5 apps of 2017 on Google Play Store

With 2017 coming to a close, we take a look at the apps that have driven the year and those that keep us glued to our phones for hours on end. Google has already released their own list of popular Android apps through the Play Store. Here are the top five apps of 2017.

Socratic – Math Answers & Homework Help
One of the best apps that uses true power of AI. Not even Google Assistant or Siri can do what Socratic does, with its special AI that can help in solving mathematical equations. Not only in maths, but also other subjects such as History, Science and other subjects are available too. The most helpful app for students and anyone with a background in studies, Socratic is a must-install.

What the Forecast?!!
A weather app with a twist. What the Forecast?!! Explains weather in relatable and likeable terms and also shows interesting facts that pop up occasionally. There are 6657 different phrases that the app uses to describe the weather and for those who like a bit of fun, the app will be a great addition to the daily grind. Users can also switch the profanity setting on or off, but obviously leaving it on would be a lot more fun.

Super Mario Run
Nintendo has hit it big with Super Mario Run, with a deceptively simple style of playing that just involves tapping the screen to jump and collecting items or hitting/dodging enemies. The nostalgia factor hits home as well, and users can compare their scores with the rest of the world or even race others’ ghosts. It’s no wonder that the game is the most popular one on both Android and iOS this year.

For those who are thirsty for travel and to explore, the ArtPassport app is the best tool for doing just that. All users need to do is to drop the phone into a VR headset and they can stroll through popular art destinations across the globe at the comfort of their chair. The galleries can also be viewed in 360-degrees on the user’s phone as well, if there is VR headset nearby too. For those who have enjoyed Google Earth, this will be a great addition.

With Material design and smooth interfacing throughout, Todoist offers the most sublime experience for making lists that users can ask for. It is available for Android Wear, and also for Google Chrome, making it possible to sync across multiple platforms. With apps like Wunderlist about to get chopped by Microsoft, the next best option, and a very likely competitor for the best organizing app, is Todoist.