AMD and NVIDIA have both released driver updates for the newest games this month since quite a few triple-A titles will be hitting the shelves this season.
The drivers can be downloaded from the respective websites
It’s not an odd event that these manufacturers would update their drivers regularly, but in this case, quite a few triple A games are being released this month. These updates will bring about compatibility for supporting these games along with bug fixes and improvements to the hardware performance.
AMD’s new driver edition is called the Crimson Edition 16.10.2. It will fix quite a few issues including fan speed issues on the RX 400 series, Eyefinity group settings for its CrossFire configurations, Gears of War 4 glitches that cause the system to hang sometimes, Direct X 12 content compatibility issues as well as patches for the new Battlefield 1 when it launches.
Overall, the update will also make games such as the new Civilization, Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 more playable with existing processors. Since many of these games feature content and mechanics which are relatively new and haven’t had PC gamers experience these in previous games, they’ll be in for a few surprises. The driver can be downloaded through AMD’s website.
Some of the notable bug fixes included in NVIDIA’s latest driver update, named 375.57, include fixing the SLI configuration for the GTX 960M when playing Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, fixing decal corruption bugs while playing Overwatch and a fix on some BenQ monitors that cause the signal to crash when the refresh rate is changed from 144 Hz to 240 Hz. There’s also another fix exclusive to the GTX 650 that causes dots on all characters in GTA V.
The update to the NVIDIA drivers will also make the graphics cards compatible with the new titles that will be releasing this month as mentioned earlier in the article. NVIDIA has always been prompt with their driver updates, doling out Game Ready drivers every other week or so as new games are launched. Thanks to the NVIDIA GeForce Experience software, it makes automatic installation of drivers possible and also automatically optimizes the games for smoother performance and hardware configuration.
Seems like the year is going to close with quite a bang as the year’s most awaited titles are finally getting released. While people have been raving about Battlefield 1’s graphical prowess and Civilization’s quite demanding core mechanics, there will be something for everyone this season. And it’s always good to know that GPU manufacturers look out for their older models and fix their bugs as much as they do for their current gen graphics cards.
The updates also provide compatibility for a few new VR games as well like Serious Sam VR and Eagle Flight VR.