Twitter to give users ability to filter expletives, abusive hashtags

Soon you can filter abusive hashtags on Twitter. The social media giant is working on a keyword filter tool that allows users to block expletives and abusive hashtags, according to a Bloomberg report.

Twitter users will be able to block tweets based on specific words or phrases. Additionally, users will also be able to block specific hashtags on a particular subject that is of no interest.

Earlier facing criticism over the platform tolerating abusive behavior, Twitter responded with an assurance of enhancing technology to curb targeted abuse and trolls. For more than a year the microblogging company was exploring ways to implement the filtering tool.

Twitter's new tool will allow users to filter abusive hashtags and keywords.

Twitter’s new tool will allow users to filter abusive hashtags and keywords.

“The company has spent the past few months consulting with an outside council of anti-harassment groups about its strategy for addressing the issue,” the Bloomberg report said, adding it has become one of CEO Jack Dorsey’s top priorities.

Currently, Twitter boasts of more than 600 million users. As part of its strategy to regulate offensive or inappropriate conduct, Twitter allows users to report violations and takes stringent action by imposing temporary suspensions, sometimes a permanent ban.

The microblogging platform has also been in the process of reviewing its “hateful-conduct policy” to ban more types of abusive behavior.